I just scheduled my first newsletter to go out tomorrow morning. I thought, while I am setting this thing up (originally to inform all the people who are interested in my next zine), I might as well use it to share a bit more about how I created the zine etc. There’s still time to sign up!
Little easter egg from my photo blog: You can use the help modal on mobile to toggle image meta data on or off. Clicking/tapping on any one of those keyboard input elements will actually dispatch a key press event for said key. ✨
I was surprised to find out, that the current streak (117 days and counting) is not the longest to date. Turns out that between 2016 and 2017 I managed to post 151 days in a row! I did not track it back then and that’s probably why I missed a day – and then continued to post for another 25 days straight.