New Rules

Since finishing the 366 project I have not been posting regularly to the photo blog. It’s kinda nice, not having that pressure, but then again, feels kinda lazy not to post anything. I love posting there! So I decided to create some new rules. Here they are:

  1. Post daily
  2. Allow myself to use older images – maybe even from the archive, if it fits the theme (see next point) – and, when push comes to shove – even allow myself to backdate (😱) posts for days when I am sick or otherwise unable to post.
  3. Have “themed series” (eg. for a week or a month), where I try to get certain subjects or motifs. Those will be announced, when a particular series starts.

I am pretty excited about that last one. I was thinking of starting monthly projects anyway, so let’s see how it goes.

This is my tiny corner after all, and I can do whatever I want, even change the rules again tomorrow! 😊

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