
366 Zine

Ever since starting the currently running 366 project, I wanted to have a printed record of it as well. Come December …

The new Reeder app is fantastic. One of my favorite features: You can open feed items directly in the in-app browser!

It has to be set for each feed individually:

Reeder feed settings, with the option to open automatically open feed items in the in-app browser

I always prefer visiting people’s websites directly, where they present their images (and words) in a way that they deem best for their work and where they put all the effort into.

Great work by Silvio Rizzi!

OMG. I just logged into my account, which I haven’t done in quite some time, and it seems my photo blog is still automatically shared over there via my RSS feed, and I got all these nice comments on my images, which I never replied to! 😱

3x2 Photocast

I just found out that one of my images was discussed in the 3x2 Photocast. 😮

My photo stats plugin is now also part of the official Kirby Plugins page. 🙌

Thanks Nico, for adding it!

I will be attending WordCamp Karlsruhe in October. 🙌 First time back in KA since… I think 2016. (I lived there for four years from 2010 to 2014.)

Little easter egg from my photo blog: You can use the help modal on mobile to toggle image meta data on or off. Clicking/tapping on any one of those keyboard input elements will actually dispatch a key press event for said key. ✨

Screenshot of the help modal on my photoblog, which describes how you can use the keyboard to navigate or trigger other actions like showing or hiding the image meta data

Photo Stats Kirby Plugin

I finally managed to turn the stats page of my photo blog into a Kirby plugin.

I (very quickly) created a new blog today, to share our ongoing development of picu, our photo proofing plugin for WordPress:

Trying to keep the #WCEU momentum going, but I’ll have to get used to sharing stuff, while building it. This does not come natural to me. Still, today was a good start, I think! Hope some of you find this useful.

Looking forward to learning and connecting at #WCEU today.