Last Updated:This website is a work in progress – at the moment even more so than usually – as I just moved from WordPress to Kirby after 20 years. (I am sure there will be a blog post about my reasons for this in the future, and no – it doesn’t have to do with the current drama.) All of the pages and posts are here, but there is still a lot of stuff missing/needs optimizing.
Here’s a list of todos, in no particular order:
Add RSS feedAdd fediverse creator tagArt-directed pages: Prepare templates to incorporate individual CSS (and maybe JS) filesFix layout for status postsAdd thumbnail image and text excerpt to projects on the projects overview pageAdd “featured project” to the homepageFix EmailOctopus newsletter signup form stylingAdd Open Graph meta tagsFix projects overview styling on mobileFinish implementing tag archivesAdd faviconAdd redirects that were implemented previously with a WordPress pluginAdd syntax highlighting for code/pre elementsImplement a lightbox for galleriesGet a Kirby license!Add light/dark mode switchFix art-directed pages, now that I have a light/dark mode switch implementedAdd JSON feedAdd blueprint/template for project pagesAdd 404 error pageImprove styling of journal entries in the archiveImplement blueprints for journal entries and status updates for the Kirby panelFinish styling of basic HTML elementsImprove mobile view- Fix content/cleanup: Remove remaining WordPress specific HTML code or maybe even convert everything to markdown
- Add panel page to quickly post a status update
- Improve the panel (having some issues choosing the right template)
- Add keyboard navigation (eg. go to next/previous post, jump to homepage, etc.)
Configure GitHub actions for deplyomentUse bare repository on the server for deployment (no need for GitHub at all)