WordCamp Europe 2018

This is my photographic recap of WordCamp Europe #6, which took place in Belgrade, Serbia last week.


A giant-sized WordCamp banner with the motto Learn, Connect, Contribute on the ceiling of the Contributor Day venue
1. A giant-sized banner with the motto “Learn, Connect, Contribute” greets participants of the Contributor Day during WordCamp Europe 2018, which took place in Belgrade, Serbia from June 14th to 16th 2018.
Remkus de Vries on stage
2. Remkus de Vries, WordCamp Europe organzier and part of the Community Team, welcomes the contributors.
Alain Schlesser on the stage with a microphone
3. Alain Schlesser talks about his ideas on how to improve WP-CLI during Contributor Day.
Contributor Nikolai Graf-Rüssel working on his laptop
4. Nikolai Graf-Rüssel working on his latop during Contributor Day.
Two security guards stand in front of the buffet tables
5. Venue secuirty guards protect the food just before lunch time at Contributor Day.
Team leads wait in line to get onto the stage
6. Team leads Anton Timmermans, Adam Silverstein, K. Adam White, Rian Rietveld, Monique Dubbelman, Joshua Wold and Marin Atanasov wait in line to present their team’s accomplishments during Contributor Day. 529 attendees worked to improve various parts of WordPress that day.
The entrance to Sava Center with a huge WordCamp banner
7. Belgrade’s Sava Center was the venue for WordCamp Europe 2018. 2085 participants from over 70 countries attended.
Sanjay Dabhoya and Sujay Pawar take a selfie
8. Sanjay Dabhoya and Sujay Pawar take a selfie in front of the registration desk at the first day of WordCamp Europe 2018.
A row of volunteers print badges for attendees
9. A novelty this year: Volunteers at the registration desk print badges for attendees on demand.
Jenny and Milan on stage
10. Jenny Beaumont and Milan Ivanović on stage during their opening remarks at WordCamp Europe 2018.
The audience in the Milkyway auditorium applauding
11. The audience applauds during the opening remarks at WordCamp Europe 2018.
Caspar sitting on a sofa, behind him a wall with photos of past events
12. Caspar Hübinger prepares for his MC duties in the Milkyway green room at the first day of WordCamp Europe 2018.
Silhouetted workshop participants sitting at desk with their laptops open
13. For the first time workshops were held in addition to regular talks during WordCamp Europe.
Maja Benke on stage
14. Maja Benke on stage during her talk “Accessible Design”.
An attendee working on her laptop
15. An Attendee is working on her laptop during a break at WordCamp Europe 2018.
Jeroen Rotty walking without shoes on
16. Volunteer Jeroen Rotty walks through the wormhole that connects the two main venue areas during WordCamp Europe 2018.
Me, seen in a mirror taking a self portrait
17. Self Portrait somewhere in the vastness of Sava Center, venue for WordCamp Europe 2018.
Emanuel and Luka chill out on beanbag
18. Emanuel Blagonić, Communications Team lead at WordCamp Europe 2018 and his son Luka chill out in the Communications Room.
Close-up shot of Igor's headset cable
19. Igor Klimer, organizer in the Volunteers Team, works on his laptop with a headset in his ear during WordCamp Europe 2018.
Mo and Sonja in the foreground talking, Matt in the background taking a photo with his phone
20. Mo Carter and Sonja Leix are talking, while WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg is checking out the Milkyway auditorum before his keynote presentation.
Patrick standing in front of the door to the green room, arms crossed
21. Patrick Rossel is standing guard in front of the green room as one of his volunteer duties.
Matt standing on a doorway reading on his tablet
22. Matt Mullenweg getting ready before his keynote and Q&A session at WordCamp Europe 2018.
Matt is seen in a reflection in a window
23. A reflection of Matt Mullenweg and part of the audience during his keynote and Q&A session at WordCamp Europe 2018.
Ivana smiling for the camera
24. Ivana Cirkovic is taking a short break during her organizing duties as part of the Local Team.
Steve laying on his back, latop on his chest
25. Steve Blythe, member of the Photography Team, looks through the images he has taken at WordCamp Europe 2018.
Chris looking at his laptop screen
26. Chris Fitzgerald sorts through the Photography Team’s photographs during his volunteer duties for the Communications Team.
Joost seen on a monitor, below two members of the live captioning team
27. Joost de Valk is seen at a monitor used by the live captioning team during his talk in the Andromeda auditorium.
Silhouetted attendees in the entrance of Sava Center
28. Attendees wait for taxis in the entrance to Sava Center after day one of WordCamp Europe 2018.
Ant with his arms raised
29. MC Ant Miller welcomes attendees to day two of WordCamp Europe 2018.
Alberto on stage
30. Alberto Medina on stage during his talk about “Progressive WordPress Themes”.
Afsana with a microphone in hand, ready to start the workshop
31. Afsana Multani during her volunteer duties, helping to manage the workshops, which are a novelty at WordCamp Europe 2018.
The Contributor Room, with attendees setting at tables, talking
32. Attendees talk in the Contributing Area at WordCamp Europe 2018.
Door of the Media Room, with a sign that says: Silence please, recording in progress
33. The PR Team helped to facilitate a total of 68 interviews during WordCamp Europe 2018. Many of them took place in the media room.
Paolo listens to a talk
34. Paolo Belcastro, former WordCamp Europe lead organizer, is seen in the audience in the Milkyway track on day two of WordCamp Europe 2018.
Pascal in the audience
35. Pascal Birchler listening to a talk by Noel Tock on day two of WordCamp Europe 2018.
Noel on stage
36. Noel Tock on stage during his presentation about the future of WordPress.
Tammie and Ivelina dancing
37. Tammie Lister and WCEU volunteer Ivelina Dimova do a little dance before Tammie’s talk about “Anatomy of a block: Gutenberg design patterns”.
Val, Steve, Omkar and Kris standing in line, all looking up and in the same direction
38. Val Vesa, Steve Blythe and Omkar Bhagat from the Photography Team, pose for a photo with their colleague Kris Korn, who was volunteering for the Communications Team.
Jessica, Anna-Lena and Matthias form an orderly group on the stairs in Sava Center
39. Jessica Lyschik, Anna-Lena Thiel and Matthias Kurz pose for a group shot they had missed earlier.
Lucjian with arms raised, Milan with a broad smile
40. Lucijan Blagonić and Milan Ivanović react during the intro video for the closing remarks.
Audience in Milkyway track
41. The audience eagerly awaits to know where WordCamp Europe 2019 will be held.
Organizers and volunteers behind the WCEU hashtag, the projected image of the Brandenburg Gate above them
42. Berlin is revealed as the host city for WordCamp Europe 2019.
Jenny, Bernhard and Milan behind the WCEU hashtag with microphones
43. Bernhard Kau (center) is finally able to talk about his home town being nominated as the host city for WordCamp Europe 2019.
Jenny waving
44. Jenny Beaumont waves goodbye. She was part of the organizing team of WordCamp Europe for three years, and the Lead Organizer for #WCEU 2018. (Thank you so much for your hard work, Jenny! You are amazing!)
WCEU banner illuminated by party lights
45. The giant-sized banner makes a comeback appearance during the After Party of WordCamp Europe 2018.

More of my WordCamp Europe 2018 images will be are available on Flickr soon. now!

Also, check out my photo reports from previous years: 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013

While I still have your attention: If you might enjoy having a printed copy of some of the images you just looked at, check out my WCEU photo book project.

All images in this post taken by Florian Ziegler and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

And finally, for those who are interested: All photos taken with the Leica Q or the Fujifilm X-T1 with either the 56mm F1.2 or 14mm F2.8 lens. Editing and gentle post processing in Lightroom.

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