2013-10-09 10:34
WordCamp Europe 2013
In the other half of my life, where I am a web designer , WordPress plays a major role in my daily work. About 90 % of the websites I build, run on WordPress.
It was therefor only logical to visit the first ever WordCamp Europe . Two days of great talks, learning and meeting people, plus one day of working together on WordPress itself: Everybody had a really great time. The organization was flawless. Huge thanks to everyone, who made #wceu happen!
I will definitely attend again next year, wherever WordCamp Europe 2014 will be held.
Enjoy the pictures!
Leiden, city of the first ever WordCamp Europe .
Stadsgehoorzaal Leiden, venue of the 2013 WordCamp Europe .
Table with #wceu 2013 badges.
Tammie Lister during her “The Life of a Theme” talk at WordCamp Europe 2013.
Kirsten Schelper & Elisabeth Hölzl giving their talk about “Developing WordPress Themes with Git”.
Panel consisting of Simon Dickson , Arnstein Larson , Remkus de Vries and Tom Willmot about “Running a European WordPress Development Agency”.
Mike Schroder and Marko Heijnen talk about “Perfect your images using WordPress”.
Brad Williams talks about “Writing Secure WordPress Code”.
First session, second day: WordPress lead developer Andrew Nacin gives his talk: “WordPress 3.7: Foundations”
Matt Mullenweg , founding developer of WordPress, looks up to the balcony to answer a question during the Q&A session at WordCamp Europe 2013.
Helpers, who made WordCamp Europe a great success, wave for a group picture.
WordCamp Europe 2013 contributer’s day: A room full of WordPress enthusiasts, all eager to work on different parts of WordPress.
The accessibility table (clockwise, starting in top left corner): Bram Duvigneau , Steffen Jørgensen , Graham Armfield , Rian Rietveld , Emanuel Blangonic , Daniel Minchev, me (taking the picture), Robin Slierendregt , Lucijan Blangonic and Anton Timmermans .
Mike Schroder and Andrew Nacin explain how to contribute to WordPress during contributer’s day at WordCamp Europe 2013.
You can also find these photos on Flickr .
This work by Florian Ziegler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License .