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New Rules

I decided to create some new rules for my photo blog.

About calling your photography “work”: I mostly agree with Cedric's post, though I think sometimes calling it work also can give it special meaning, as in “I put some special effort into this”. I think of it more in terms of “I worked hard on this”, without it becoming my work (as in profession or obligation). I wholeheartedly agree that photography should spark joy and you should do it for yourself first and foremost.

2024 Retrospective

In 2024 I archived 1  16,217 photos, 4,633 of which, I marked as favorites. (2023’s numbers for comparison: 15,705 …

366 Days of Daily Posting

I did it again! I posted at least one image per day for one year straight.

Yesterday I finished my 366 project. 🙌

It feels very strange not posting today! (It’s not that I haven’t taken any photographs… 🤔)

Yesterday I ordered 853 small format prints from my Aile project. As we didn’t visit Turkey last year, and most likely won’t be able to do so this year either, I thought this longer break might be a good marker to finally start working on this project again. I would love to create a photo book, but in order to do so, I have to live with the work, and that is much easier done with physical prints than with images on a screen.

I18n can be tricky.

Screenshot of an email from Blurb, where the last two letters of the German word

In other news: Blurb has sent the zines my way!

Just ordered the second batch of project 366 zines (part II and III). Looking foward to receiving, signing and shipping them! Blurb says they should arrive before December 10th. 🙌

I’ll be sending out the next newsletter regarding my Project 366 Zines over the weekend. Part II and III are almost ready and there’s also another chance to get your hands on Part I. Subscribe, if that sounds interesting to you!

Still on the train, which of course is delayed. However this gave me enough time to finish editing my #btconf images & I even managed to upload them to the website.

The full gallery is available here.

Thanks to all of the speakers for the inspiration!