Prizren & Tirana

I added some photos of my recent trip to the balkans to my website today.

Prizren, Kosovo

Prizren, Kosovo

Prizren is amazing. We were warned to go to Kovsovo by almost everyone. Turns out it is not really dangerous at all. (As always: behave like a normal human being and you’ll be fine.) Kosovo is a young nation and it faces some serious problems, such as a very high unemployment rate – especially among young people. So going there as a tourist and helping to boost their economy a little, is probably a good thing. And: you can pay with euros! 🙂

Go visit Prizren!

Tirana, Albania

Tirana, Albania

Not much to say. From all the places we visited, this was probably the least interesting. (It might be different, if you go there to party.) Most people said the south of Albania is beautiful, so we’ll have to go back there in the future. Anyway, we had our first couch surfing experience in Tirana and it was great!

More to come, stay tuned…

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