Photo Stats Kirby Plugin

I have gotten a few request over the last couple of months to share how I built my photo blog, the stats page in particular.

Loading said stats page had gotten quite slow lately due to the amount of posts and images. Calculating the statistics took quite some time and it happened live on every stats page load. I wanted it to work automatically, and in the background.

I finally took this as an opportunity to move the stats part of my site into a stand-alone Kirby plugin – and at the same time learn more about Kirby and how it works.

You can find the Kirby Photo Stats plugin on GitHub.

The plugin’s functionality is still very much tailored to my personal photo blog, but maybe someone else will find it useful as well.

Any feedback on how to improve it, is very welcome. Just create an issue or get in touch!

It was a fun exercise. Kirby’s documentation is delightful and I highly recommend watching Bastian’s screencasts, which were tremendously helpful for getting started in building a plugin for Kirby.