212 Days Later
Today, I have been photo blogging daily for 212 days (7 months), so I thought it is time for a little recap.
Bad news first: I missed a few days.
One day in February – can’t say why exactly, I just forgot/wasn’t in the mood to take a picture that day (or a couple of days before) and I didn’t feel like taking a random image from the archive.
When I set the rules last year, I decided, that scheduling posts in advance, was OK. But the reason behind starting all this, was to get out and shoot more. So I let that day slip, and did not post an image.
I missed some more days in early March, when my daughter was born. Trust me, I shot a lot of images that day and the following days and still do. (She will be my most photographed subject in no time. She probably is already…) But I just didn’t feel like sharing those very intimate moments, so no new posts for a total of six days.
That still makes 205 photos in 212 days.
I am pretty happy with that. Daily photo blogging has made me go out more and I am back to taking my camera everywhere, which – in turn – enabled me to take more pictures, which was the initial goal of this exercise. 😊 (Getting a new X100F earlier this year was/is also a great motivator, but that’s for another post.)
Check out A Photo A Day. It all started with this post back in August of 2016. (Tip: You can use your left/right arrow keys to navigate from day to day.)