
2024 Retrospective

In 2024 I archived 1  16,217 photos, 4,633 of which, I marked as favorites. (2023’s numbers for comparison: 15,705 …

Doing some light video editing and exporting this evening and using my wife’s M4 iPad, because it is the most powerful computer we have. Exporting 4k video is screamingly fast. 🤯

Still feeling under the weather. 🙄 And because I couldn’t go out today, I added Bluesky comments to my photo blog. 🤷‍♂️ With their open API to get likes (just like Mastodon’s) it was pretty straighforward and easy to do. They are now displayed with the Mastodon favorites below every post. I will write it up in a proper post down the line.

366 Days of Daily Posting

I did it again! I posted at least one image per day for one year straight.

Yesterday I finished my 366 project. 🙌

It feels very strange not posting today! (It’s not that I haven’t taken any photographs… 🤔)

Yesterday I ordered 853 small format prints from my Aile project. As we didn’t visit Turkey last year, and most likely won’t be able to do so this year either, I thought this longer break might be a good marker to finally start working on this project again. I would love to create a photo book, but in order to do so, I have to live with the work, and that is much easier done with physical prints than with images on a screen.

The Linux Experiment

Today, for the first time in 23 years, I own a computer that is not a Mac. For a while now I had the idea to break away …

The 366 zines (part II and III) arrived yesterday! 🎉 Unfortunately half of them are not up to the quality that one can expect. I already contacted Blurb customer service and will hopefully get this resolved quickly. Not worried, as I had similar issues before and Blurb handled it exemplary every time. My guess is that they were (are?) quite overwhelmed with Black Friday / Christmas orders. I’ll sign and ship the good half on Saturday. 🙌

Muscle memory can be a b*tch.

I18n can be tricky.

Screenshot of an email from Blurb, where the last two letters of the German word

In other news: Blurb has sent the zines my way!