„The Legend of Zelda: Echos of Wisdom“ was delightful!
Zines ordered. ✅
I just scheduled my first newsletter to go out tomorrow morning. I thought, while I am setting this thing up (originally to inform all the people who are interested in my next zine), I might as well use it to share a bit more about how I created the zine etc. There’s still time to sign up!
366 Zine
The new Reeder app is fantastic. One of my favorite features: You can open feed items directly in the in-app browser!
It has to be set for each feed individually:
I always prefer visiting people’s websites directly, where they present their images (and words) in a way that they deem best for their work and where they put all the effort into.
Great work by Silvio Rizzi!
3×2 Photocast
OMG. I just logged into my micro.blog account, which I haven’t done in quite some time, and it seems my photo blog is still automatically shared over there via my RSS feed, and I got all these nice comments on my images, which I never replied to! 😱
My photo stats plugin is now also part of the official Kirby Plugins page. 🙌
Thanks Nico, for adding it!
I will be attending WordCamp Karlsruhe in October. 🙌 First time back in KA since… I think 2016. (I lived there for four years from 2010 to 2014.)
Little easter egg from my photo blog: You can use the help modal on mobile to toggle image meta data on or off. Clicking/tapping on any one of those keyboard input elements will actually dispatch a key press event for said key. ✨