Hi, I am Florian.

I am a dad of two daughters and husband to my wonderful wife Ulya.

I am a web designer and developer and I am the co-founder of Haptiq. I am also the co-creator of picu, the best photo proofing plugin for WordPress.

Me photographing myself through a mirror, inside a house, that was destroyed by hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico, October 2018.
Me, “on assignment” in Puerto Rico, October 2018

And then there is photography.

To call it a hobby is a great understatement. It is a way of life, the means to which I explore and understand the world. I take pictures everyday and I almost always have my camera with me, wherever I go. I am constantly documenting. I share some of these images daily over on my photo blog.

If you want to know what I am up to currently, check out the now page.